Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Be a part of an amazing team…

Photo credit: Anita McCarthy

"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”  1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV

When you give yourself fully to the work of the LORD, you need to know what you are striving towards. The goal of our organization in PNG is to see God’s Word available in every language, in every life. At Ukarumpa International School, we invest in our students, seeking to develop Godly learners for life (learn more at These goals intersect when translation teams, pilots, doctors, managers and national workers rely on the school to provide a high quality education for their children, so they can continue in their ministry work. These goals overlap when we get the privilege of witnessing our students choose to be baptised and make that public declaration of their faith in Jesus Christ and the power of God’s Word to transform their lives. Serving with such a dedicated team of like-minded people, passionate about seeing both of these goals achieved, has been a privilege and a blessing to us. Please pray for our team of talented faculty, staff and administrators at UISSC, that we would stand firm and continue to serve faithfully. Please pray that God would send more teachers and administrators to serve our many needs for next year. We know that our labor is not in vain!

Grateful for community…

We are so thankful for the diverse community of people that God has brought to serve together here in Ukarumpa. Representing many countries, languages and denominations, we live, work, pray and worship together as part of the body of Christ, seeking to do His will in this place. We’ve been blessed to be a part of people’s lives during the season that God has placed them here, and many have poured into us spiritually. Thank God for the community He has blessed you with and let them know you are grateful!

Prayer Points:

• Papua New Guinea (PNG): Pray for wisdom and discernment for government leaders and peacethroughout the country.

• Bible translation: Praise for the Feni New Testament dedication on 16 September and pray for the Tabo NT revision dedication on 28 September. Pray for God’s Word to transform lives and hearts in these language groups.

• Our roles in PNG: Pray for Scott, the Security team, and the Crisis Management Team, for wisdom and safety. Pray for Term1 at UIS to finish well, and for the students as they prepare for their Encounter Spiritual Retreat.

• PNG missionaries: Pray for the PNG Orientation course participants while they are living in villages in near Lae, for safe travels, good relationships and good health.

• God’s provision: Thank you all for your faithful prayers, love, partnership and support!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Know God by knowing His Word…

 “In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” Judges 21:25 KJV

We are privileged to be a part of a weekly Bible study in Ukarumpa and are currently working our way through the book of Judges, an Old Testament history of ancient Israel before the establishment of the monarchy under Saul and then David. The book follows a cycle: Israel is at peace with God, but over time the people walk away from the covenant to pursue their own way, God then punishes Israel, often by an invading army and Israel calls out to God, who raises up a leader (Judge) to deliver them out of chaos. Then, in the absence of an existential threat, the people once again forsake God, setting up the next cycle of peace, folly, crisis and deliverance. As we reflect on the Old Testament history, we see that not much has changed in human nature. We have better technology which makes our lives easier, but we are still in rebellion against our Creator. People still want to have their own way, even when that way leads to their own destruction. We still have idols, which often take the form of money, power and popularity. We try to solve our problems through external systems while ignoring our own sinful natures. We are under the mistaken impression that electing this or that person to office, making more money, getting in shape, or getting a better job will somehow make things right again. It won’t. Our broken condition is spiritual and ultimately requires a spiritual solution. If you have never read the Bible, in its entirety, we encourage you to do so. We’ve read the Bible multiple times and try to incorporate it into our daily living, through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. There are reading plans to help you complete it in a year or less and God’s Word will change your life for the better if you let it.

A new school year…

Thank you for praying for UIS as we begin a new school year. Students and teachers have returned to Ukarumpa, and we are able to offer all of our core subject areas in the high school, through God’s provision. Please pray for the continued health and strength of all our teachers and students, and we are so very thankful for a positive start to Term 1. We will be short of both teachers and administrators next school year- is God calling you to come and teach with us at UIS? Even coming for one semester would be appreciated!

Prayer Points...

• Papua New Guinea (PNG): Pray for renewed progress in resolving the ongoing aviation fuel shortage. Pray for peace and wisdom for government leaders.

• Bible translation: Pray for the preparations for the Uare New Testament dedication scheduled for September 7 and pray for

• God’s Word to transform lives and hearts in this language group.

• Our roles in PNG: Pray for Scott and the Security team, for wisdom and safety. Pray for the new school year at UISSC, that we would bless our students and teach them well.

• PNG missionaries: Pray for the translation teams going to and from their villages, for safety and flexibility amidst the fuel shortage. Pray for wisdom for our Aviation department to continue to provide the flights that are needed.

• God’s provision: Thank you for your faithful prayers, love, partnership and support!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

His way is not our way…

                                               Photo credit: Adam Boyd

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD.” Isaiah 55:8 NKJV

Thank you to all of you who have reached out to us, after hearing the news of the tragic landslide that buried a village in Enga province here in the highlands of PNG. The event would be tragic anywhere, but it is especially challenging in a place where there are few accessible roads for the heavy equipment necessary to excavate the debris, and little access to health care, clean water or other services following a natural disaster. The PNG and Australian governments have been working together to bring aid to those affected in the area. The translation team that has been working on the Enga New Testament was in Ukarumpa when the landslide occurred, planning for the dedication of the Bible this July. Though heartbroken by the tragedy, they are carrying on with the dedication plans and trusting in the LORD, that He will use His Word to minister to those who need hope and healing. The people in Enga are hungry for the Word of God and almost 1,000 installations of the Enga Bible app have already been accessed, before the printed copies will even arrive in July. They have also recorded the New Testament on solar powered MegaVoice players, so those who haven’t learned to read can still hear the message of hope and salvation. Pray for the team as they work through the logistics for the dedication, and for those who will travel to Enga to be present to support them. Most of all, pray for the Enga speakers to receive hope, healing and salvation through God’s Word.