Saturday, July 25, 2015

Special Edition for Our Transition!

Thank you for all of your encouraging messages following our last newsletter. We are excited to begin serving as career missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators USA. Our transition date from Wycliffe Associates to Wycliffe Bible Translators USA will officially be on August 1, 2015.

We especially appreciate everyone’s prayers during this time. Even though WA and WBT are partner organizations, this transition means we must change health plans and evacuation insurance, data bases, e-mail addresses, and where our funds are sent. For those of you who are financial partners, you will need to cancel your donations to Wycliffe Associates and send them to Wycliffe Bible Translators USA instead. While the financial gifts currently received by WA to partner with our ministry will be transferred to Wycliffe Bible Translators, this will be temporary until our transition is complete. Thank you for bearing this change along with us; we truly appreciate your partnership with us in God’s work here in Papua New Guinea very much.

Last month, we announced that we will be returning to the U.S. in December, when we will attend additional training, serve in our home church, visit people and churches. We believe God will raise up partners for 100% of our Wycliffe ministry budget. As Wycliffe members, we are required to have 100% of our financial partners before returning to PNG. We will also be attending Equip, a two-week training course in Orlando, FL, in mid January. We hope to see friends and family while we are in that area, and will be driving back up the East coast in February. We would love to see as many people as possible while we are back, so please keep in touch. If you would be interested in introducing us to your home church or scheduling an evening with friends where we can share what incredible things God is doing here, please let us know. Thank you for encouraging us in this process.

Our prayer is that God’s will be done, and that He would make it possible for us to return to PNG in July of 2016, so Kathy can begin the new school year at UIS and Scott can reassume his role as Security Operations Manager. We know that “with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Please consider joining our partnership team, and thank you once again for all of your prayers and support as we continue to serve in faith here in Papua New Guinea! 

What your support means to us

We are so grateful for everyone who has financially and prayerfully partnered with our ministry since we arrived in Papua New Guinea in January 2014. You are a partner in the work that God has been doing here, through us, in the people of PNG. We know that, from an eternal perspective, the two things that will last from this earth are the Word of God and the souls of men and women. Thank you for allowing us to follow God’s calling to come to Papua New Guinea and invest in both!

Above: We were able to return to Aufan, where we lived for a month during the Pacific Orientation Course, to encourage our host family. God has given us the opportunity to speak His Truth into their lives in the wake of several family tragedies. Please pray for the people of Aufan.