Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Thanking God for relationships and His perfect ways…

“As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God?” -2 Samuel 22:32 NIV

It is a privilege to serve here in PNG, working alongside so many other faithful men and women who have been obedient to God’s call on their lives. Each one has an amazing story of how the LORD brought them here, and each one has a passion to use the gifts and abilities they’ve been blessed with to further God’s kingdom on Earth and to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those in their spheres of influence. We all believe that His Word is flawless, and are grateful to support the work of Bible translation here in PNG. We have all experienced Him as our Rock in whom we’ve taken refuge, and we desire that others who do not yet know Him will do the same. As we cling to that truth, we still experience seasons of abundance and seasons of change. God calls people to be here for a time, and it is always difficult to say goodbye when they are called to move on, even as we rejoice with them in their new opportunities to serve elsewhere. We were grateful to take an excursion to a waterfall in Lae last weekend, to celebrate one of our friends and colleagues who will be leaving us here soon. We know that God’s way is perfect, and we trust He has her future in His hands. And that is our prayer for all of you as well, that you would trust His way and timing, and take refuge in His Word. We can trust that He will use us, wherever He plants us, as long as we stay connected to Jesus, our source of living water!

Come teach with us!

We are enjoying the end of the school year activities and events, tournaments, sports day, and friendly competitions between classes. These also come with more challenging days, like final exams, AP exams, and beginning the process of saying goodbyes. Our seniors will leave shortly after graduation, and are saying farewell to friends who are more like family, and their childhood homes. Others will leave for home assignments and return in 6-12 months to a different mix of students. It has been such a blessing teaching these kids this year; please pray for them in this season of transition. And pray for our school, as we face many staffing needs- or come teach with us!

Prayer Points...

• Papua New Guinea (PNG): Pray for renewed progress in resolving the ongoing aviation fuel shortage. Pray for peace and wisdom for government leaders.

• Bible translation: Praise for the YalĂ« Scripture celebration that took place recently in Sandaun Province and pray for God’s Word to transform lives and hearts in this language group.

• Our roles in PNG: Pray for the end of Term 4 at UISSC, as students finish the school year and many prepare for big transitions. Pray for Scott and the Security team, for wisdom and safety.

• PNG missionaries: Pray for all of the families leaving PNG to go on home assignment, or with graduating seniors, or finishing their time here, that they would have smooth journeys and peace in their transitions.

• God’s provision: Thank you for your faithful prayers, love, partnership and support!