Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Prayer Points:

• Papua New Guinea (PNG): Pray for wisdom and discernment for government leaders and peacethroughout the country.

• Bible translation: Praise for the Feni New Testament dedication on 16 September and pray for the Tabo NT revision dedication on 28 September. Pray for God’s Word to transform lives and hearts in these language groups.

• Our roles in PNG: Pray for Scott, the Security team, and the Crisis Management Team, for wisdom and safety. Pray for Term1 at UIS to finish well, and for the students as they prepare for their Encounter Spiritual Retreat.

• PNG missionaries: Pray for the PNG Orientation course participants while they are living in villages in near Lae, for safe travels, good relationships and good health.

• God’s provision: Thank you all for your faithful prayers, love, partnership and support!

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