Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Prayer Points...

• Papua New Guinea (PNG): Pray for renewed progress in resolving the ongoing aviation fuel shortage. Pray for peace and wisdom for government leaders.

• Bible translation: Pray for the Enga New Testament dedication taking place on July 2 and pray for God’s Word to transform lives and hearts in this language group.

• Our roles in PNG: Praise for a successful finish of Term 4 at UISSC, and for preparations for the new school year starting in July. Pray for Scott as he takes on the additional role of Executive Committee Secretary in July. • PNG missionaries: Pray for all of the families traveling now, and for those who will be returning to PNG for the start of school.

• God’s provision: Thank you for your faithful prayers and partnership. We are grateful to be serving in PNG and could not be here without your prayers and support!

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