Wednesday, June 26, 2024

His way is not our way…

                                               Photo credit: Adam Boyd

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD.” Isaiah 55:8 NKJV

Thank you to all of you who have reached out to us, after hearing the news of the tragic landslide that buried a village in Enga province here in the highlands of PNG. The event would be tragic anywhere, but it is especially challenging in a place where there are few accessible roads for the heavy equipment necessary to excavate the debris, and little access to health care, clean water or other services following a natural disaster. The PNG and Australian governments have been working together to bring aid to those affected in the area. The translation team that has been working on the Enga New Testament was in Ukarumpa when the landslide occurred, planning for the dedication of the Bible this July. Though heartbroken by the tragedy, they are carrying on with the dedication plans and trusting in the LORD, that He will use His Word to minister to those who need hope and healing. The people in Enga are hungry for the Word of God and almost 1,000 installations of the Enga Bible app have already been accessed, before the printed copies will even arrive in July. They have also recorded the New Testament on solar powered MegaVoice players, so those who haven’t learned to read can still hear the message of hope and salvation. Pray for the team as they work through the logistics for the dedication, and for those who will travel to Enga to be present to support them. Most of all, pray for the Enga speakers to receive hope, healing and salvation through God’s Word.

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