Friday, August 9, 2024

Prayer Points...

• Papua New Guinea (PNG): Pray for renewed progress in resolving the ongoing aviation fuel shortage. Pray for peace and wisdom for government leaders.

• Bible translation: Pray for the preparations for the Uare New Testament dedication scheduled for September 7 and pray for

• God’s Word to transform lives and hearts in this language group.

• Our roles in PNG: Pray for Scott and the Security team, for wisdom and safety. Pray for the new school year at UISSC, that we would bless our students and teach them well.

• PNG missionaries: Pray for the translation teams going to and from their villages, for safety and flexibility amidst the fuel shortage. Pray for wisdom for our Aviation department to continue to provide the flights that are needed.

• God’s provision: Thank you for your faithful prayers, love, partnership and support!

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