Monday, July 11, 2022

Praising God for the gift of visitors...

“We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.”-1 Thessalonians 1:2 

We are so thankful for the gift of technology, which allows us to stay in touch with distant loved ones via email, video and chat. It is one of the biggest challenges of serving so far away from the USA. One thing we did not expect was to have anyone make the trip here to visit with us. So we were very excited when our friends from NH made the time, effort and expense to fly for several days to spend time with us here in Ukarumpa! Their desire to be able to pray for us with insight and empathy, having seen where we live and work with their own eyes, means so very much to us. We had the opportunity to take them to visit with PNG friends in their village, so they can also have a deeper insight on how to pray for this country. Continue to pray for peace, as we are in the midst of national elections this month, which often triggers violence. We thank God for bringing the Eisners to visit, and for the lovely holiday they took us on to Madang by the ocean. We are refreshed and ready to continue to serve Bible t r a n s l a t i o n here in PNG though our support roles. Our prayer is that everyone will hear the good news of s a l v a t i o n through Jesus C h r i s t i n their heart language and b e t o t a l l y transformed!

Meet J.C.

People often come and go from Ukarumpa, and one of the challenges here is taking care of pets. Dogs are valuable, both for security as well as for companionship. We first watched J.C. for his owners back in 2015 when we were renting their home and now, seven years later, we’ve adopted him permanently since they’ve left Papua New Guinea. He is older and slower (much like us!) but is such a good dog and we are blessed to be able to help both him and his owners to finish well. It is fun to have a walking buddy again, too, and he’ll help us to keep in better shape as we enjoy cooler winter days here in the Southern Hemisphere.

Prayer Points

 • Papua New Guinea (PNG): Pray for peace and wisdom during the July national elections in PNG

• Bible translation: Praise for the opportunity for Kathy to assist checking the Sudest Old Testament panorama before its publication.

 • Our roles in PNG: Pray for preparations for the new school year and for some rest during the break. Pray for wisdom for Scott as he learns his new Chief Human Resources Officer role.

 • PNG missionaries: Pray for the families trying to return to PNG for the new school year to receive their visas and work permits, and to have safe travels.

 • God’s provision: We thank God for His love and grace, allowing us time to spend with good friends and to continue to do ministry here. 

Thank you for your prayers, and for your faithful financial support of our Wycliffe ministry in PNG. We could not continue to serve here without you!