Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A New Perspective on Thanksgiving

I have always known that I had a lot to be thankful for, but back home my thanksgiving was somewhat of an intellectual exercise. I knew that God provided and I was thankful and happy in that knowledge. Now that we are serving in PNG, my perspective has changed. I now have a more visceral appreciation of just how reliant I am on Him. 

As any new missionary will attest, adjusting to a new culture is difficult. Perceptions of time, personal space and community are different. You miss people and places, your favorite foods and being able to express yourself clearly. Mostly, you just miss the feeling of being relaxed. 

Beyond the cultural readjustments, there are differences in how work is done. Given my role as Security Operations Manager, I cannot write in detail about many of the issues that I deal with on a daily basis. Suffice it to say that, despite being blessed with the right education, training, professional certifications and twenty three years of experience, I am not adequately equipped to handle my responsibilities. There is just too much that is out of my control; too many unknowns and far too few resources. 

Yet, despite my many short-comings, God has provided exactly what I’ve needed when I’ve needed it. This position is, by far, the most stressful security role I’ve ever had and yet, by His grace and provision, I am excited about the prospect of serving in PNG for many years to come. 

As we approach Thanksgiving, please join me in remembering what this day is truly about; giving God the glory, thanks and praise for His constant grace and provision. 

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