Friday, June 30, 2017

The Many Ways to Serve Bible Translation

As support staff here in Ukarumpa, we can sometimes feel removed from the front lines of Bible translation. We know we are serving in critical roles here, and for Scott managing the security program, that role never ends. For Kathy, especially during the school break, though, it is easy to perceive herself as disconnected from the ultimate purpose we are here to serve. So, it has been a blessing to have the time to serve the Bible translators directly in some different ways. Some translation teams with children use this time to go to their remote villages for several weeks as a family, leaving behind homes and pets that need care. Kathy has been blessed to help feed dogs, birds, and even a mountain cuscus (a PNG marsupial the size of a possum but much cuter). Translators often have weeks of preparation before heading to their villages,including dehydrating food and preparing literacy materials. By us helping with the dehydrating process, and collating and stapling booklets, a translator is freed up to continue their language work. We are reminded in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 that we each make up the many different parts of the Body of Christ, the Church, with our different gifts and skills, and all are needed and important members. So use the gifts God has given you to serve Him in whatever way He enables you to serve! 

Above: Kathy with Emerald, a rainbow lorikeet. Just another unconventional way we can serve Bible translation! 

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