Monday, September 25, 2017

Every language, receiving God’s Word...

This was our prayer, as we walked through the Goroka cultural show on Independence Day weekend: that every language would receive God’s Word. It never strikes us more completely than when we see so many language groups together in one place, all in traditional costumes, singing in their heart languages, in a chaotic and visually stunning array. We talked with many of the performers, and when they posed with us for a photo, we told them their picture would remind us to pray for them. It is the individuals we meet who inspire us to serve here, knowing their eternal destiny is at stake. This is why we are excited for the upcoming Bible dedications; knowing faces and names of people in these language groups makes it real to us. And why we were so glad to see many people coming to the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) booth to receive audio-Bibles in already published languages, downloaded to their smart phones. Technology is making it easier to get the Word out, but ultimately it is still the Holy Spirit who is changing and transforming lives.

Above: Kathy and Scott, making new friends at the Goroka show.

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