Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Praying for a nation in transition...

“But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays... says the LORD Almighty.” 

-Malachi 4:2-3


Papua New Guinea celebrates a national holiday called Repentance Day each year on August 26. It is a time for coming together as believers and praying for God’s forgiveness for the wrongs that are happening in the nation. Prayer services will take place in churches throughout the country, as people repent and seek the LORD. This is especially poignant this year, as we pray for the national elections continuing to take place throughout PNG. Election-related violence has occurred in several parts of Papua New Guinea in recent weeks, including the Aiyura Valley around Ukarumpa. Please continue to pray for an end to the violence, and for opportunities for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in villages who have lost homes and belongings. We are also in the midst of a very dry season, with close to drought conditions. Please pray for rain to water the gardens of our PNG neighbors, who are subsistence farmers relying on their crops to feed their families. And pray for us as well, as the rain water is needed for the water tanks that provide running water in our homes. The beauty that we see in creation around us testifies to God’s goodness, especially when the circumstances are challenging. May we all search our hearts this Repentance Day, seek His forgiveness, revere His name, and trust that He is good and is still in control. And may God bless the nation of PNG as they move forward in a spirit of repentance and humility.

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