Tuesday, May 23, 2023


Our students are currently preparing for semester exams, but a couple of weeks ago, they got to enjoy Banquet. This is a prom-style event hosted by the community to honor the juniors and seniors. The theme was “Deep into the Woods”, which included an indoor zip line and live animal encounters, plus a formal dinner and other fun activities that ran throughout the evening. Kathy was all into helping with the animals, which included a koi pond, snapping turtle, two green tree pythons, a cuscus (a PNG marsupial, similar to a possum), and a bunch of baby bunnies. It was a lovely night to bless our students, and enjoy God’s creation in a unique way. The helpers dressed up as Fish and Wildlife Conservation officers and it was difficult to tell who was having a better time, the community helpers or the students!

                                                        Photo credit: Amy Evers

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